Visit The Isle Of Wight
The Isle of Wight is a small island off the north coast of England in England. It is well known for its beautiful beaches and beautiful seaside promenades including sandy Shanklin beach and south-facing Ventor Beach, which is also dotted with many classic beach huts and dinosaur fossils. Fossil remains and prehistoric fossils can be […]

The Isle of Wight is a small island off the north coast of England in England. It is well known for its beautiful beaches and beautiful seaside promenades including sandy Shanklin beach and south-facing Ventor Beach, which is also dotted with many classic beach huts and dinosaur fossils.

Fossil remains and prehistoric fossils can be found in various parts of the coastline of the Isle of Wight. The oldest known fossil found on the Isle of Wight was dated at 65 million years old. A good example of the fossilized remains of prehistoric creatures that lived on the Isle of Wight would be the Plesiosaurus Plesiosus found in a quarry near the village of Shanklin in July 2020. The Plesiosaurus Plesiosus fossil was taken from the quarry by a group of students from a local school and they discovered the fossil using the help of a device called a laser light.

The fossil was excavated and examined by paleontologists who determined that the fossil belonged to a species of Plesiosaurus that existed during the Cretaceous period which lasted for about sixty million years. During this period, it was the most populated period of the Earth and the Cretaceous was also the time when Plesiosaurids were beginning to migrate into warmer waters from the seas of Scotland.

The fossil was identified to be an incomplete skull which contained teeth and bones of a Plesiosaurus. This fossil was sent to the British Museum for further study. In addition, the fossil was also sent to China for more research on Plesiosaurus fossils that had been found on the Isle of Wight.

The fossil was found on the beach and the fossil was identified to have come from a Plesiosaurus Plesiosus. In 2020, the fossil was taken to the Natural History Museum in London for further study.

Fossils of Plesiosaurus can still be found throughout England as some areas of the country are still home to the remains of this reptile. Fossils of Plesiosaurus have been found in places in Kent, Essex, and Sussex. These fossils are not only from Plesiosaur fossils but they also include bones of Plesiosaur dinosaurs which were already extinct during the same period as the Plesiosaur fossil.

Fossils of Plesiosaurus were excavated during the 19th century. A number of fossils have been found in rock quarries along the shoreline of South Wight. Some of these fossils include vertebrae and jawbones. They date back between twenty-five million and two hundred thousand years.

Fossil finds are a reminder that humans were here long before the arrival of humans on the Isle of Wight. Many of the fossil finds made by humans have given clues to the ancient history of the area. Many of the fossil find were excavated from the cliffs and beaches of the Isle of Wight and these fossils tell us about the past of people who inhabited the area and the history of their ancestors.

Fossil finds of Plesiosaurus Plesiosus tell us about the life of Plesiosaurus. We know that Plesiosaurus lived during the Cretaceous period because it has teeth and jaws from the same era as the Plesiosaurus fossil. Fossils like this Plesiosaurus show us the diet of the animal.

The fossil tells us that the creature hunted for meat, which was fish, reptiles, and amphibians. It also shows us that it ate its prey alive and it used its claws to get the food from the skin of the animal. Plesiosaur fossil discoveries are important in the development of the modern day Plesiosaur fossil.

Fossil discoveries also tell us about the movement of Plesiosaurids during the prehistoric times. This means that the animal may have gone on long migrations in search of food in the sea and it may have used the islands of the Wight in its search for food. It also tells us about the animals that occupied the oceans at that time.

Fossil finds are important for researchers to understand the history of the early days. They tell us about the way we came to exist in the modern day. They tell us how the world we live in today evolved from the dinosaur times to the present day.